Sorry for saying sorry | Teen Ink

Sorry for saying sorry

April 24, 2011
By LadyRainingDragon SILVER, Rushville, Ohio
LadyRainingDragon SILVER, Rushville, Ohio
7 articles 6 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can dream it, you can do it." -Walt Disney
"God blessed the broken road that led me strait to you." - Broken Road, Rascal Flatts
"The city looks so pretty, do you wanna burn it with me?" - City, Hollywood Undead

I'm sorry for the time I've wasted.
The time I spent being stupid.
The time I spent knowing that I loved you.
The time I spent denying it.

I'm sorry for being so blind.
So blind to my own heart.
So blind that I was lost.
So blind I couldn't see you.

I'm sorry for saying sorry.
When you tell me I don't need to.
When I know I don't have to.
When I feel I should.

But I'm not sorry for loving you.
The lost time I try to gain back in a year.
Looking at you with clear eyes.
Saying sorry for saying sorry too much.

There's no place else I'd rather be.
Though I wish time would slow down a little.
If I could stay in your arms forever, I would.
I'm sorry for not realizinng it sooner.

The author's comments:
This poem is about me and my boyfriend. I constantly apologize for everything, because I have a bit of a self esteem issue sometimes. One day, he told me to stop saying sorry so much, and I ended up saying "Sorry for saying sorry", which is what inspired this poem.

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