Hiliarious | Teen Ink


April 21, 2011
By Jazmin Humphrey BRONZE, Goose Creek, South Carolina
Jazmin Humphrey BRONZE, Goose Creek, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's funny
Frost always talked about two roads
Those roads that led you somewhere yet nowhere.
There's the road to the right and the other on the left.
One road has not been taken, the other has.
What happens when both roads are taken and both are appealing?
Well, Thanks for nothing Frost!
I've got to pave my own road.

The author's comments:
I chose to submit this piece because I have been experiencing many things in my life, and each decision I made either helped me or hurt me. I remembered Robert Frost's poem, and I decided to put Frost in his place. His poem is indecisive in the beginning, in the end he took the road less traveled by. But what happens when everyone goes good and takes the road not traveled by?

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