Run on Dreams | Teen Ink

Run on Dreams

April 26, 2011
By kdafmar GOLD, Blue Springs, Missouri
kdafmar GOLD, Blue Springs, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To live would be an awfully big adventure." - Peter Pan

If only
Could run on dreams

If only
The prayers
Of small children
In the night
Could power the world

If only
The hopes
Of every desolate family
Lonely soul
Broken heart
Could drive the nations

How clean the air would be
If instead of dirty fossil fuel
Electricity was made from imagination

How fresh the waters would be
If instead of nasty oil stains
Splotches of wishing dust painted the roads

One day
This lovely land will rot
If we don’t clean it up

So dream,
Dream until you can’t think another beautiful thought
Dream until your body shakes because it can’t handle such big ideas
Dream until faith impels you to act

Then take that dream
And make it a reality.

Maybe the world really does run on dreams.

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