The Washing Machine | Teen Ink

The Washing Machine

April 6, 2011
By EmilyRoseForReal BRONZE, Higganum, Connecticut
EmilyRoseForReal BRONZE, Higganum, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m always there
For a hug
A kiss
A cry
I was always there
I sat on your bed,
Slept in your arms
And played Tea Party
You handed me cups of tea,
Plates of cake
And napkins when I spilled
My flowered hat would
Match yours
And the feathered boa tickled my chin
Remember the time
You dropped pizza on me?
My arm was covered
In grease and cheese
Your mom put me in the washing machine
I held my breath
As I spun around
And around
Surrounded by sock and pants
Afterword I went into the dryer
And then more spinning
I tumbled around
With the same socks and pants
The warm air was nice after the cold water
Then the dryer
Stopped drying
The buzzer sounded
And your mom took me from the machine
Warm and static-y
You took me in your arms
And hugged me

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