The Importance of Childhood | Teen Ink

The Importance of Childhood

April 6, 2011
By mgp1115 BRONZE, Colchester, Connecticut
mgp1115 BRONZE, Colchester, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imaginations moving faster than the speed of light,
Always creating, shaping, and innovating,
A princess with long ebony hair and eyes shining bright;
Or a tiger crouching in the tall grass patiently waiting
To pounce or jump or run into a sunny open field,
Perhaps a baker, helping Mommy bake a chocolate cake.
Tomorrow an artist, producing play dough sculptures at a great yield.
No, today a fairy, hurling dandelions in my wake.

Childhood is all these things, and more.
Shifting, waiting to burst forth and explore.
Carefree, stress free, each day is always an adventure.
The chance to decide who I will be
Forming loving bonds and family memories
That will keep me warm when I am old and have dentures.

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