One of Those Days | Teen Ink

One of Those Days

April 14, 2011
By kdafmar GOLD, Blue Springs, Missouri
kdafmar GOLD, Blue Springs, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To live would be an awfully big adventure." - Peter Pan

You know those days…
You know those days
When you just want
To scream
And yell
And cry
And stomp your feet
And ask for a do-over?

You know those days
When you miss your bus
And you forgot your lunch
And you bang your elbow
And you fail your chem test
Because you didn’t study
And you find out your best friend has been talking about you behind your back?

Those are the days that really define
Who you are
And what you do.

Because what if…
What if you find out
Something big.
Bigger than a broken nail
Or your math test
Or your social status.

What if…
What if you found out you got your girlfriend pregnant?
What if you found out you were going to be a parent at seventeen?
What if you found out that a little baby was coming your way?

A little baby girl
Born with little brown curls
Those tiny toes
Tiny fingers
Big eyes that just seem to blow your mind


Do you opt for the easy way out?
But then,
Do you suck her out?
Get that
And just suck her through a tube
And into the trash.


Do you burn her?
Her candy apple skin
Burned, in a glaze
On that saline injection
Born living
But just barely
Dead a few minutes later.

Not for you?

How about you take a pill
And go into premature labor?
Give birth to a baby
That didn’t even get
Much of a chance.

Still not it?

You could always take some
And just block the baby from nutrients
Let it die
From just being detached.

Really? Well there is only one choice left.

You could kill it.
Rip that baby girl
Limb from limb
Literally tearing
Her frail body to pieces.
Jab the leftovers
Suck out her brain.

Can’t handle that?

Have the baby.
I dare you.

Hold that little angel in your arms
Hold onto her like never before
Don’t ever let go

Have the baby.

Not everybody makes the right decision.
Don’t make the wrong one
You’re having one of those days.

The author's comments:
Dedicated to my angel

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