Mirror | Teen Ink


April 5, 2011
By mitchm814 SILVER, West Bridgewater, Massachusetts
mitchm814 SILVER, West Bridgewater, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every time I look in the mirror
It cracks even more
And when I look back again
Pieces fall to the floor
My inner ugliness
Surfaces to my skin
And when I start to say more words
Drama mixes in

I wonder what I did so wrong
Why this all has happened
So I look back in the mirror
And see it cracking
The mirror bursts out hard
Shattering everywhere
The pieces hit me in the face but the knowledge I have is lacking

The days turn into nights, and the nights back into days
I still wish I could fix that mirror
But I can’t find the way

I search and search everywhere
Until the day comes
Where I look down and see
That the pieces were there all along
I still can’t put the mirror back together
Some things will never change
I just hope it never forgets
That I didn’t mean for it to break in the first place

The author's comments:
This is about a friend. I said something to her, and I couldn't figure out what. Eventually, she got over it. ANd it was something that seems almost pointless now. But it made me feel. That's what poetry is about. It makes you feel.

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