A feather Light Kiss | Teen Ink

A feather Light Kiss

April 5, 2011
By Anonymous

His soft warm arms grasped me
upon his hot blooded skin
The warmth trapped me
as if I couldn’t fall in
I knew he loved me
And I couldn’t help but soak in
His touch was so soft
As light as a feather
Then I knew I was falling hard
Practically head over heals
But I promised I wouldn’t do this again,
Fall in love, it even hearts worse
to think about it
Right then and there
In that moment as my own
His gentle luke-warm hands
grabbed my overheated cheeks
And dragged me in for a
Feather Light Kiss,
His lips were a perfect shape
As if I couldn’t resist them
So I locked my mouth to his
It was like an unbreakable seal between us
I would always remember this moment
My first, Feather Light Kiss
As his lips and mine
Finally departed
A gust of wind
popped back into my mouth
I didn’t realize that I wasn’t breathing
Until his light red lips left mine
I chuckled softly and silently
As he flashed my favorite shy smile
My heart broke into a gallop
How can a Feather Light Kiss
do this to someone like me,
Some teenage girl
who never believed in true love?
But it was happening
And I knew right then

The author's comments:
This piece was written when I had my first kiss.

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