Dark Room | Teen Ink

Dark Room

April 17, 2011
By colesurfin BRONZE, Indialantic, Florida
colesurfin BRONZE, Indialantic, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The lonesome chair in the dark
filled room, like a jack rabbit
who could not hop through the fields.
Without hope, the chair would have
no chance of companionship.
Could it be the room is filled
with the white strings and black bugs,
Or it be that the door hath
Cracks, splintering in the night
talking with each of its uses
Perhaps the reason be the eerie
black walls that reverberate throughout
the air, making it, very dreary, and
Thus the chair has no companionship..

The author's comments:
Just a poem I wrote during school for a quick write assignment.

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