Hands | Teen Ink


April 13, 2011
By monica camargo BRONZE, Medford, Oregon
monica camargo BRONZE, Medford, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hands that pledge for peace.
Raised to protest against war,
Held high to show they are not afraid.
Peace comes with a price…
Yet regret of remaining silent is a bigger price to pay.

Hands that are raised….
to raise our voice as one.

Hands strong and mighty
With the will to join us as one.
Grips that are strong and that are unwilling to break,
Strength will keep us united
You will
your hands will.

Hands that we can do everything and anything with.
We built machine guns, tanks, grenades
and weapons of mass destruction,
We have made medicine that healed the world.
Used for good
and used for bad.
What will you use them for?

Hands that have immense force,
Force that can break down barriers made by the
injustice and
Those barriers only are there because
WE have placed them there,
It is up to us if they will remain there.

Hands that are gentle.
Soft and fragile are the hands of children around the world,
Children that have no fault at what the earth has become
Fix your mistakes.
Make a change.
If not for you then for the children of the world
that are not at fault.

Hands that can wipe away your tears,
A mother’s love can heal us all.
Having someone there for you, loving you.
Love is what makes the world go round,
Use your hands for love.

Hands that shield you from the world,
Shielded unaware of the dangers that are down the road
What will you become?

Hands that hold your hand through your fears,
Feeling safe and secure.
Something we make take for granted.
Unknown to us, there is someone scared
Wanting to feel safe.
Make the world safe for each other.

Hands that hold a weapon,
Trembling, unsure of how they got there.

Those hands have lost their way…

Hands that can cradle a child,
Tight and secure.
The safety we can give
The love we can show.

Hands that can carry a wound,
Bearing a story.
Every scratch, scar, burn holds pain.
They can drown our souls...
Those wounds can take a life.

Hands that are strong,
Strength that we were not aware we had.
We must realize WE can do much more than what we think.

Hands that we need to make a
change with…


The author's comments:
this is a poem asking for change.

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This article has 1 comment.

momoe95 said...
on May. 19 2011 at 1:03 am
thx i read your poem awsum i loved it