Somebody Come Along | Teen Ink

Somebody Come Along

April 19, 2011
By Anonymous

Somebody come along
Somebody that I can pour my soul into not worried that it will drip into

Somebody that I can share the nuances with
And will glorify the flutter-by feelings like a gospel choir
Somebody please come along so I can erase these lyrics and form a beautiful

New. Song.

Somebody come along that I can have a secret handshake with so that we have
Something to laugh about and laugh at the faces of everyone else who stands
Confused because they don’t get the joke
(Which almost makes it that much funnier)
Somebody come along that I can sail the sea of my mind with
Somebody that keeps their sail up in the tempest!
And will encourage me when I ask for help with a set list...

Somebody come to me
That can see what I see and not flee but be full of glee that the sea of me
Is so unnaturally, humanly,


Is it so wrong or full of rights to want a person
That can make me smile every once and while?
But doesn’t have to!
That can my mind wander in ways it never has
And make my heart flutter in pitter-patterns that make me think it’s impossible
To be sad

But is so, so there on the days that I’m not feeling my best
And can still ignite the amazing race lying idle in my chest
That lights my brain and forces creativity to pulse through my veins!

Am I insane?
To want such a person
That remembers the one time I half-heartedly
Almost inaudibly mentioned
Under my breath
Facing away from her
In the midst of a cough
That my favorite place to walk is...

Is it too ludicrous to ask
For someone who can forget the little things?
But still be strong enough to be upset over things that hurt
Strong enough to take me up on it and make me realize I’m enough of a man
To apologize by myself

Is it to preposterous to wish for
Occasional bliss in times of ravaging thoughts and overwhelming circumstances that I very well tried to avoid but I couldn’t necessarily get around or those few times that I let my thoughts win and I didn’t necessarily feel like being superman or those times where someone pierced the barrier that I so willingly and fearfully put up.

Deep breath.

Maybe I’m being too optimistic,
Or maybe I’m being just the right amount of realistic
But it’s possible that I’ll just fall back into being pessimistic
Maybe the whole point is that I shouldn’t try to fix this.

Somebody come along
Somebody that I can hand my heart and ask to their eyes if they can

Overcome this heart that’s overcome.

The author's comments:
This is me. Take it or leave it.

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This article has 3 comments.

archon GOLD said...
on Jun. 10 2011 at 8:41 pm
archon GOLD, Mandeville, Louisiana
10 articles 0 photos 39 comments
thank you so much for the comment!!! I certainly will

on May. 31 2011 at 5:45 pm
blacksummer2014 SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
7 articles 4 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
"'I love you all; except you, Draco, I can't f****** stand you'"-- Harry from A Very Potter Musical

"Granger! Oh I thought you were a boggart!!!" -Albus Dumbledore from A Very Potter Musical

I wish some guy would feel that way and want me to be the one to come along and make everything better. Until then you should read my free verse poem Waiting for Freedom- make sure the thread says it's by aurorawriter or Lizzie_Q one of the two otherwise you have the wrong poem! Thanks! :D

on May. 31 2011 at 5:43 pm
blacksummer2014 SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
7 articles 4 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
"'I love you all; except you, Draco, I can't f****** stand you'"-- Harry from A Very Potter Musical

"Granger! Oh I thought you were a boggart!!!" -Albus Dumbledore from A Very Potter Musical

I would say holy (insert swear word here) but it probably wouldn't post my comment then. Your work is phenomenal and I hope to read more of it!