Fog of Memories | Teen Ink

Fog of Memories

April 3, 2011
By 33333 BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
33333 BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You know when you can't sleep,
And the fog of memories begin to creep.
They drift in from afar,
Rushing by like waves at the sandbar.

I see you there, the light on your face.
But I still can't believe the light is heavenly grace.
I wake up to cry because the reality's sunk in -
You are no more to begin....

Begin to dream, begin to rest, begin to
File through what was once best.
That fog of memories, you no longer keep,
But have passed on for others to weep.

Tears role down Mount Mansfield's side,
Where you, our families, Josh, Jenna, and I once climbed.
Those summer days passed,
And winter days lapsed.

All these childhood days mixed in the fog.
Halloweens, school days, and birthdays part of the bog.
You've taught me so much during your time here.
I know you will forever be near.

Enjoy the good and the bad,
For one day they may be a fog of memories glad.
Cherish loved ones and don't hold back.
Be thankful for each moment before its black.

God in heaven knows our mortal haste,
So to death we should not race.
Zoe, you were taken up so sudden and soon
That you were barely given 'til noon....

To make life what you willed; however, you placed your mark of greatness still.
I'll love you forever and always my dear friend,
Right up until my own end.

When my memories too become but a bog,
To be passed on to others' fog.

The author's comments:
This poem is dedicated to Zoe L. (Nov.8,1994-Oct.30,2010). I'll always love you and miss you!

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