The Sound of College | Teen Ink

The Sound of College

April 8, 2011
By Marzuqs BRONZE, Pembroke, Massachusetts
Marzuqs BRONZE, Pembroke, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” - Abe Lincoln

Think about a time when the only thing you can hear is the voices of men screaming at each other, jumping, laughing, and fighting all at once. Now imagine listening to this noise every single day when you go to sleep and after you wake up. Then you hear sounds of the shaver buzzing and the shower running with the water hitting and splashing on the ground. Now imagine yourself sitting in a common room with eight other guys trying to study and all you can hear is swearing and belching in the other room. You walk in to one of your suitemates room and you can hear the gun shots of the videogame go off and the TV volume increasing as it goes. Music bumping and the bass gets louder and louder and people singing along with the songs playing. It rarely ever gets quiet here, sometimes you can’t even hear yourself thinking due to all the commotion going on. We are all sitting in the room and you can hear voices talking to each other, it two people video chatting online. Every now and then there will be a sudden silence in the suite and the only thing you can hear is the footsteps outside the suite and constant murmurs. The silence doesn’t last that long here; the noise quickly takes over the silence and kills it. Now it’s back to normal, the suite is back to its original ways and back to its loudness. When studying comes, all you can hear is the keys on the keyboard typing and the space bar being hit constantly. When studying is all over you can hear the microwave being used and the popcorn getting ready to be popped. Everyday is mostly like this no matter if it is rain or shine. The one thing that you will hear every single day is the sirens down the street, having the busiest fire department right next to the school will do that to you. Right next to our suite is the elevators. The elevators are being used constantly because we are on the top of the building on the 5th floor. You can hear the ding of the elevator reaching every floor. Usually when I come back from class the first thing that I will hear is the snoring of one of my roommates who is always taking naps every now and then. Sometimes we have a suite dinner and the only thing you can hear is the chewing of food in people’s mouths. Overall when the day is done and the homework is all in the bag and everyone is really tired from moving around, that usually means its time for sleep. You can hear the bathrooms being used and the water running and then I hop into bed and put my headphones in to listen to music because music helps me sleep at night. After hours of sleep the first thing you hear is the alarm clocks ringing and waking up everyone and then the moans start and its time for classes to begin.

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