Prevailing | Teen Ink


April 11, 2011
By TorreyAllen BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
TorreyAllen BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sparkling, dazzling, spectacular colors burst.
Imagination, so long locked away, finally relived.
Kart-wheeling, summer salting, leaping through the atmosphere. But first,
She was shoved into a cell, beaten to a pulp and deceived.

Looked at as a leper, she cowered in the corner,
When she should be whispering in ears and tapping on shoulders
Every place she entered the word flooded her soul: Foreigner.
Her colors even seeped out while being crushed by boulders.

Rejection reverberated throughout her being.
No. No. No. You’re not wanted here.
She shoved her body against the wall, and all began seeing
She cannot be silenced; there are even explosive colors in her tears.

Now she reigns, galloping through the atmosphere
Swooping down and whispering in colors for all to hear

The author's comments:
So many times imagination is discouraged and beaten down and not utilized. But, imagination is one of the most beautiful, precious things that we have, and it is essential that we grab hold of it and color our lives.

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