Red Desire | Teen Ink

Red Desire

April 7, 2011
By kdafmar GOLD, Blue Springs, Missouri
kdafmar GOLD, Blue Springs, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To live would be an awfully big adventure." - Peter Pan

I think sometimes about how you say my name
Inky black smudges on your hands
Those hands clenched, face tight, heart loud
You stand tall like an oak in the forest
I wonder what you do now we are separated, parted, divided by the cruelty of the world alone in

Our own universes but together in eternity grasping at thin air for you
You are my sunshine
I cant wait to wake up next to you and put on your snuggly sweatshirts
I pray our trials to draw an end
Cypher even know we belong together
You saved me, craved me, braved me, you gave me everything
Tell me how our future will be, what our children will see, how much you love me
That day, with your sweet cologne and my snow-white dress
You’ll hold me like a delicate flower
Don’t leave me
My red desire

The author's comments:
Dedicated to the X

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