Thunderstorm!!! | Teen Ink


March 31, 2011
By Anonymous

A bright flash of electrifying lightning
makes me close my eyes tightly as to wish the storm away,
a loud crackle of booming thunder
cause a ringing in my ear so loud it makes me flinch.
The soft, heavy covers of my warm, comfy bed fly over my
shaking body so quickly to protect me from the danger of the storm.
Once it’s silent and I think the storm has stopped for now,
I leap out of my now cold, uncomfortable bed.
Even before my feet hit the cold, hard ground,
I bolt into the warm comfort of my parent’s room.
Sound asleep and breathing heavily they are but as
I hop into the warm, cozy bed with them and close my eyes,
all my tired brain can think is,
“Well I know they’re awake now!”

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