Im From... | Teen Ink

Im From...

March 25, 2011
By Jonathan Rangel BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Jonathan Rangel BRONZE, Austin, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from where neighbors curse at each other
because men don’t have the money for the bills

I’m from where kids go home with dirt under their nails
from working all day in the dirt

I’m from were drunk people get so drunk
they don’t remember they got drunk

I’m from where every day the air smells like burnt rubber
because of a pursuit chase

I’m from where you always see someone getting handcuffed
because of a robbery

I’m from where the sky is grey in winter
because of the burnt wood we burn to keep us warm because people forget to pay the electric bills.

I’m from where people want to take a break and lay down
But they can’t because they need to work day and night to keep the family stable

I’m from where you wouldn’t want to be

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