Candle Light | Teen Ink

Candle Light

March 25, 2011
By Grace Malnar BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
Grace Malnar BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At first glance, I’m simply a solid piece of wax.
But light a match, and you’ll watch my shell
gradually soften and melt away.

I can illuminate the way when things seem dark.
I can warm you when you need it most.

Just don’t get too close,

because that flame flickers into a fire,

and that warmth blisters to a burn.

My mood changes as sporadically as my flame.

Learn to sustain yourself.

Learn to back away,

because the irony runs ramped in this sorrowful song.

The closer you get, the meeker I become.

The more you breath out, the less there is for me to breath in.

And it’s that final suffocating breath that puts me out.

And quicker than it ever took you to melt me down,
I’ve molded back into that solid piece of wax again.

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