My North Star | Teen Ink

My North Star

March 28, 2011
By kryoung09 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
kryoung09 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lost in a sea of confusion and unknown,
Her ears point forward as if she alone
Can guide me safely to where I wish to go.

Those caramel eyes search deep into my heart,
Her soul housing the secrets many others could not cart.
But she does, for she is the post I allow myself to lean on.

When life becomes too harsh to deal with,
She stands proud like a Greek goddess, but she is no myth.
She shines vibrantly, towering over us mere mortals.

Her gleaming, chestnut coat cannot compare
To the glow the heart emanates from my precious mare.
She nickers lowly as I pass, for she is mine and I am hers.

With an ominous spirit and a heavy conscious,
I trek to the barn in search of my solace.
She stands in her stall, quiet and waiting.

This mare of mine must know,
That with her I do not put on a show,
For she always is around to offer comfort in times of need.

I have learned to competently juggle
The demons with which I frequently struggle.
It is all because of that precious soul standing in her stall.

It is said that humans are the smartest around,
But, to the contrary I have found
That nothing compares to the forgiving souls horses house.

They spend no time worrying about things that cannot control.
They focus not on the little pieces, but on the whole.
Those who learn to forgive, forget, and move on are the smartest of all.

Through my many life lessons I have found that
I may be the master of my fate and the captain of my soul,
But that mare of mine is the compass that is guiding me home.

The author's comments:
This poem is written about my horse, Lyric.

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