A fool | Teen Ink

A fool

March 23, 2011
By SuperiorForce GOLD, Kansas City, Missouri
SuperiorForce GOLD, Kansas City, Missouri
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Well in my eyes I have seen the most beautiful thing
in the world
It got away from me
even though I wanted her to stay
Now I'm happy
but sadder than I've ever been
Happy we're stil friends
but sad that what we used to be is lost
I feel like a fool
Maybe I should've tried harder
I guess I am a fool
for always hope for the best...
Always wishing....
Because wishing is for little kids
but little kids cry over spilled milk
and I just want a refill for the glass
Trying not to spill like the past
cuz my life seems disorientated
and unbalanced
I'm missing something
its obvious what it is
But I cant reach you
You're the stars in the sky
I'm just a man on the ground
admiring with my mind and eyes
I'm just a damn fool
A fool who still loves you
And I'm not sure if I can stop
So I'm gonna keep living til I drop
or until there's nothin left to do
In the end
I'm still a fool
A fool for you

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