Unnoticed | Teen Ink


March 17, 2011
By up.north.cj BRONZE, Wakefield, Michigan
up.north.cj BRONZE, Wakefield, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I lie down in the snow and listen to the gentle



Of the falling snow.
The peace is momentarily disrupted by a bird landing on a branch.
As it starts to sing its song,
It forms syncopation with the gentle rhythm of the snow.
It is as if nature were singing a song to me.
-Bum, Bum, Budum Bum - Slow down and listen.
-Bum, Bum, Budum Bum - Slow down and listen.

As I listen to this magical song I realize what I have been missing.
I realize what I ignored without difficulty mornings prior.
I spend the rest of the daylight lying in this spot.
I get up and brush the snow off of my body.
As I walk back to the warmth of my house I hear the same beat;
This time with a new story.
-Bum, Bum, Budum Bum -Now you have listened.
-Bum, Bum, Bum -Come back soon.

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