Looking Down | Teen Ink

Looking Down

March 17, 2011
By Justina Melton BRONZE, Marshall, Minnesota
Justina Melton BRONZE, Marshall, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Looking down from above,
knowing I can never come back down.
Peering through the clouds;
in my own version of heaven.
Looking down upon what I once had.

I yell but no one can hear me.
Wishing I can go back, and have my life back.
I feel like crying but no tears come out;
just the pain of being dead;
the feeling of being alone.

Staring down at the man;
the man who killed me.
Who took my life away from me,
I tried to make people see me, to help them catch him.
Getting him caught almost consumed me.

But as time gos by I'm forgotten,
nobody remembers what I was like.
Nobody trying to find my killer,
nothing but lies and rumors remain;
about how I died.

I sit up on my cloud looking down.
Wishing I was down there one last time,
talking and laughing.... just living;
wishing my life was back to normal.
But it will never be normal again.

But I know all I can do,
is just sit there on my cloud.
Watching my family move on without me;
seeing my killer walk free.
But all I can do now is sit on my cloud,
looking down.

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