The Light | Teen Ink

The Light

March 14, 2011
By Hannahkay BRONZE, Newburgh, Indiana
Hannahkay BRONZE, Newburgh, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dew that settles on the grass
that we touch as we watch the sun pass over our heads in the sky
isn't enough to make the blades touch Earth.

The heavy beads of water that form on the tips
aren't as bad as the rainfall not of the sky.
Moisture forms on my lips after a good cry.

The sigh of the world can be heard from here
where angels have already rescued from fear
the light that once lit up my life,
but now will never be again.

His words are so cold to freeze my heart.
Tears have never felt so warm.
It's almost a praise as they slide down my face.

Hearts that were previously drawn on the foggy window glass
have faded over time,
but will never completely go away.

The black curtains have been drawn for good
to block out this same light that I once loved,
but it will always find cracks to shine through
and it will haunt me the rest of my life.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece as a reflection of my other poetry. I always write about reaching out to something I cannot have, or losing something that I can barely live without.

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