Personification of Fear | Teen Ink

Personification of Fear

March 18, 2011
By Anonymous


Fear is the man who runs at the sight of death.
He is the one, who keeps his head down,
So no one can see him.

He moves to the darkest parts of the earth,
So he can live in his own terror.
He hides behind the sun with the stars and the moon,
He is the one, whose hand shakes when you greet him.

You look for him,
So you know where the line is set
And when not to cross it.

He is the one, who wears battered black clothes,
With holes on his dirty knees, and
Hides his face with a black hood.

He keeps his hair long so no one will approach him,
He smells like a vomit soaked sponge,
Because he doesn’t shower,and
His breath smells like rotten eggs.

He may hide and hide
Anyone can find him.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 14 2011 at 8:36 pm
nickykens ELITE, Draper, Utah
134 articles 2 photos 85 comments
I love the poem - the idea was great and you carried it out very well.  The only part I don't necessarily like as much is the actualy physical description - about his hair and breath and such.  Other than that, fantastic job.