Struggle | Teen Ink


March 8, 2011
By Anonymous

Someone once said that, “the struggle makes the man.”
I guess that it’s true because,
My grandmother struggled to raise three kids,
While fighting a drug addiction that still to this day beckons to her at every waking moment.
And my mother who struggles to raise me under the watchful eyes of my grandmother waiting for her to falter so she can steal yet another child.
And now I like all the women before me,
I struggle,
Struggle to stay out of trouble,
Struggle to get good grades
But mostly I struggle to follow my dreams,
To get away from my family,
From drama,
From the things in my childhood that I had to burry so deep inside myself that if you asked me about them now I wouldn’t know what you were talking about.
Trying with every fiber in my being to be something.
Whether it be a criminal,
A poet,
Or even a student.
“The struggle makes the man.”
Yes, makes man into what?
Someone once said that, “the struggle makes the man.”
I guess that it’s true because,
My grandmother struggled to raise three kids,
While fighting a drug addiction that still to this day beckons to her at every waking moment.
And my mother who struggles to raise me under the watchful eyes of my grandmother waiting for her to falter so she can steal yet another child.
And now I like all the women before me,
I struggle,
Struggle to stay out of trouble,
Struggle to get good grades
But mostly I struggle to follow my dreams,
To get away from my family,
From drama,
From the things in my childhood that I had to burry so deep inside myself that if you asked me about them now I wouldn’t know what you were talking about.
Trying with every fiber in my being to be something.
Whether it be a criminal,
A poet,
Or even a student.
“The struggle makes the man.”
Yes, makes man into what?

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