inviting kur(d)t cobain to tea | Teen Ink

inviting kur(d)t cobain to tea

March 2, 2011
By wheat-thins BRONZE, Torrance, California
wheat-thins BRONZE, Torrance, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“come as you are.”

with naked words
and tears.
with every
memory there ever was,
including or not including
those unmentioned
in the biography.

prepared to laugh cry sleep scream.
with every thought
you never said because it was
too morbid.
with madness.
with addiction.
empty yourself.

clenched fists clouded ideas your ability to hold on let go
shut yourself down.
to sit in silence.
to speak without stopping.

with beautiful calloused fingers.
blood on your knuckles.
with yellow teeth.

“come [just] as you are.”

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