My Secret Marinate | Teen Ink

My Secret Marinate

February 23, 2011
By pural BRONZE, Greenwich, Connecticut
pural BRONZE, Greenwich, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.”

The stairs creak as I walk blindly through the house; the cold handle touches my finger
The door swings open, and the light flickers on to a frightening surprise
A creature so long so dark and shady, the sight of this creature that looks like a lady
Hair flowing like water ripples in a stream her body swiftly moving like wind dancing with snow
I try to go near but she goes farther away I take one step forward she takes one back
She stays for many hours until she runs away with the Sun
I try to speak to her but she stays silent
She mimics me just as a mirror would
What are you long dark and shady? Which the sight of this creature that looks like a lady
Who is she, she is one of us just I lots and lots of dust

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