Time Passes | Teen Ink

Time Passes

February 27, 2011
By marisasue10 BRONZE, Manhattan, Kansas
marisasue10 BRONZE, Manhattan, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is now
That it is slightly chilly out,
Like the surface of my neck
Rubbed by ice.
The leaves flutter to the ground
With each step,
A crunch beneath my feet.
Like a crunch in my mouth when I chomp on a potato chip.
All is bare.
Everything is still.
Time passes.
White powder dusts the Earths' surface
Like a layer of chilled frosting on top of chocolate cake.
The frozen liquid melts
Like a Popsicle in my mouth.
Time passes.
The lush green
Springs from under the surface,
Squishing between my toes.
My surroundings go from black and white
To bright pastels.
Like a blank piece of paper before I paint it
To a work of art.
Time passes.
The warm sun radiating on my skin.
The glorious sweet smells,
Of a beautiful youth.
Soon the colors pass on.
Time passes.
Basking in the heat.
Rays of sun
Beating on the ground
Like a reptile under a lamp.
Time passes.
Cooling off,
Like cookies fresh out of the oven.
It is now
That it is slightly chilly out.
Time passes.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece my freshman year for a poetry assignment.

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