Four Letters | Teen Ink

Four Letters

February 26, 2011
By Anonymous

What do those four letters mean to you?
Is it that innocent little kid love on the playground?
Is it that best friend type of love?
Is it that love in High School that you thought was real?
Is it the love before and after you have said “I do?”
Maybe it is that love that your still feel for someone after 50 years of marriage?
What kind of love is it to?
They are many different kinds,
Innocent love,
Real love,
Dedicated love,
The love your parents give you.
All of these seem so different,
But are they?
Are they really that different?
Think about it . . .
What do those for letters mean to you?

The author's comments:
I just want people to think about what they are really saying when they say love.

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