Infection | Teen Ink


February 12, 2011
By TheGirliWishYouKnew BRONZE, Selah, Washington
TheGirliWishYouKnew BRONZE, Selah, Washington
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Something my dad use to always say; "Stand up and be counted or lay down and be mounted".

Don't let your vision spin
You're strong enough not to let them win.

Poor fragile girl,
Welcome to my world...but don't run away!
The demons will follow, but we're safe as long as you stay.

Ignore their whispers, don't give in,
They'll play with your mind
until your will becomes thin.

Please don't cry,
you have so much to live for,
before it's your time.

Your mind flips a switch as the night storms in,
sanity on lock down, the anxiety kicks in.
Don't lose sight of the light,
and you won't fall in.

With each night, it's becoming harder to fight,
the infection is spreading,
so follow my voice and you'll be alright.

Help is on it's way, so hold on tight.

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