Enough | Teen Ink


February 11, 2011
By Kalli19 PLATINUM, Paducah, Kentucky
Kalli19 PLATINUM, Paducah, Kentucky
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away"
"They will forget what you did, they will forget what you said, but they will never forget the way you made them feel."

I was never good enough
Not for my friends, my family, me
Not for anybody
I changed my style(why?)cause I wanted them to like me
I changed my body(why?)cause I wanted him to like me
I changed my soul(why?)cause I wanted to like me
I was never good enough
Not for my friends, my family, me
Not for anybody
I hurt myself(why?)cause I thought I'd feel better
I starved myself(why?)cause I thought I'd look better
I made myself become something I was not(why?)cause I wanted them to like me better, but most of all, I wanted to be enough
I was never good enough
Not for my family
Not for my friends
Not for me
Not for anybody

The author's comments:
A time in my life where I just didnt feel enough for anybody

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