Descending Valentine | Teen Ink

Descending Valentine

February 22, 2011
By KelseyCasper GOLD, Bridgeton, New Jersey
KelseyCasper GOLD, Bridgeton, New Jersey
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" Never regret something you've done, because at that moment it was exactly what you wanted"

your eyes conceal no more lies
they hide no more secrets
and have never disguised your pain

your voice
trembles with the truth
on the verge of breaking
as you swear up and down you love me
that never again will you leave me
as a friend nor valentine

your mind projects all fantasies
you've ever envisioned
for the world to uncover
as it scrambles for reasoning
to explain why

why are we here today
struggling to even look into each others eyes
why has our love crumbled
in the palm of one clenched fist
and why can neither you or I
bare to watch the swinging of one another's hips
move away from our side

the scrambling never found any reasoning

your lips quiver
as I read your emotions
your mind
your lies

that scream with fury
I never tried
although the weight of our failure
rests on you

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