forever does it stay? | Teen Ink

forever does it stay?

February 22, 2011
By cindysies07 SILVER, Lanecaster, Ohio
cindysies07 SILVER, Lanecaster, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
your rubbing off on me like a coin rubs off a lottery ticket....

a letter under my bed locked inside a box
forever does it stay?..
sorrow and pain..
the glimpse of a shadow the stars in the night sky
forever does it stay?..
hatred and love, emotions that pour like rain..
forever does it stay?...
why do you say forever when we both know this love wont last?..
or will it be here years from now?..
forever does it stay or disappear?.

The author's comments:
i like this poem and i dont know eaxctky why? i think that it has alot of emotional balance.

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