Glass | Teen Ink


February 19, 2011
By colluccitech GOLD, Hyannis, Massachusetts
colluccitech GOLD, Hyannis, Massachusetts
10 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Make your inner critique shut up. It's giving me a head ach."

"Greatness is in your future" they all said to me.
Like a flower i would blossom in to a successful women of business and smarts.
Assuming that everything plays out as they planned
Success was right around the corner or
So i might have thought for most of my life

"Greatness" they all once said was a word of courage and hope
Like many empires, a wonderful thing became poison
Any other word to any other person
Stealthily changed in my frame of mind from encouragement to a curse, to a threat
Slithering into my life and squashing every love of the future i once had

"Greatness" is a word that no longer soothes me on A- days. But instead a word that cuts deep
Like glass brought to the flesh of
Slipping hand wile it falls into the window in the door of disapointments
Slipping onto the dirty floor blanketed with dust and lost hope.

"Greatness" he once said is no longer in my future.
Lazzynes had destroyed me and now i was going to fail
Anything is possible if you apply yourself you can still me capable of "greatness"
Slowly the mixed signals cloud my life and billowed my own original thought
Slowly i started to slip like the hand o the glass.

"Greatness" was in my future, but was not at the same time?
Love is only akuated to "Greatness" Only deserved with it as well
Any time i would feel love or hope that word was used, and i ended up hurt
Streams of tears that will never fall in to the tissue of emotions have been lost because
Showing emotion is never ok for "Greatness" in the business world

"Greatness" was no longer a word of hope but a knife of life orders i will never me able to fill
Losing is a horible feeling, but once you get use to it u become numb to the non-"Greatness"
Anyone can let out emotions, but what do u do when you bottle things up and it hurts
Silly emotions are not allowed
Suck it up for the goal of "Greatness"

"Greatness" comes and "Greatness" goes
Letting go of emotions is the going
Acceptence to Harvard is the only coming
Slip of the glass helps to forget . the Glass lets me see through everything
Slip of the glass gives myself "Greatness" if only for a few moments

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I was in 8th grade when I realized the man that saved my life through writing was out of my life forever. I decided then to give up on writing, up wrote this one last piece in honor of him. I later found the unfinished poem in the same old spiral notebook while unpacking some boxed over the summer of this past year. I decided that If Mr. Colonna was still in my life he would want me to not only finish the piece, but keep writing. So this is a very special piece since it both ended and restarted my writing. I hope you enjoy.
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