Ocean Eyes | Teen Ink

Ocean Eyes

February 19, 2011
By colluccitech GOLD, Hyannis, Massachusetts
colluccitech GOLD, Hyannis, Massachusetts
10 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Make your inner critique shut up. It's giving me a head ach."

Her ocean eyes, so scared and tired
Her ocean eyes, they just simply desire,

To stop all the tears and to stop the weakness
To stop all her fears and to stop this freakish

disease that is making her tummy empty
The disease that is making her begin to envy

When she use to be able to walk freely as she may
When she use to be able to go out and worry of nothing but what to play

But not anymore.

Now her ocean eyes cry
Now her ocean eyes worry
Now her ocean eyes try
Now her ocean eyes hurry

To get to the wall so she does not fall again
Now her ocean eyes look away because she cant look at her friend

Her ocean eyes are sad
Her ocean eyes are frail
Her ocean eyes are mad
These ocean eyes have failed

The author's comments:
My amazing Creative writing teacher likes to play games. And on a damp and dreary afternoon she pulled out a little box full of those refrigerator magnets. What we were to do with these random words was to make a sentence. It didn't matter if it was silly or serious but we had to remember it and write it down. A few weeks later we were to use our "magnet sentences" and use them for a warm-up. A few weeks after that we were to use it for a poem. And the final stage was to revise the poem into a final piece for out poetry portfolio.
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