February 17, 2011
By SalenaMarie GOLD, Kenai, Alaska
SalenaMarie GOLD, Kenai, Alaska
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tonight I cry in response of sadness,
I can't seem to stop my uncontrollable tears.
That the death I had experienced is still grasping my heart,
this death is closer to my heart than I realized.

I can barely make out objects,
because the tears are flowing so fast.
Every time I seem to stop the fellow of tears,
my vision blurs with the bitter, sweet saltiness again.

So, I sit here with a razor in my hand,
cutting away the pain.
Trying to comprehend and understand why,
these cuts to the skin they don’t hurt.

I go down my wrist with an uncertain start,
and as I finish that mark it doesn't feel so bad.
Then stop myself of the cure that keeps me from being sad,only to start it again soon after.

The tears continue down my face in lines just streaming,
I can't believe, I've done this; I really sunk myself down low.

Even though it eases my pain for a little while,
I have nothing to gain, from my actions that are so vile.

I know I need to stop hurting myself,
But my heart feels trapped in a metal box locked and shut,
screaming out to anybody to hear,

Please would you just come and rescue me just this once?
Save me from my decisions.
I'm sure that I can once again return to,
the happy girl that I once was

The author's comments:
For a while since my friend died I tried cutting and, no matter what they say it doesn't help.

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