(i dnt lik nameing my poetry..srry) | Teen Ink

(i dnt lik nameing my poetry..srry)

February 23, 2011
By katttt SILVER, Parma, Ohio
katttt SILVER, Parma, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday we sit close by each other, just to be silent.
Never ever talking, mouths closed too.
Sometimes you make my day
to just see u smile.
I wounder why i could even like you.
My days are special when we smile at each other.
We know nothing of ourselves.
Conversations never come.
Only seems i know more of you then you do of me.
Something in you makes me 'crush' towards you.
Just to be close by you.
Yet i know your hearts for another.
I seem to just have a 'crush' on you.
Never ever knowing why
my heart holds of you.

The author's comments:
This is a true piece..im srry if its bad i dnt think im that good at poetry..i do write a lot tho..

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