Where I'm From... | Teen Ink

Where I'm From...

February 25, 2011
By Anonymous

She is from a home with a dysfunctional childhood,
A place awaiting, dreading a future of disappointment,
A place where the dad never showed,
A place with a daughter waiting by the door,
Sadness deepened.
A place where sports were forced on her,
A place where a daughter is stuck looking around for her father,
Holding back the tears, she pushed on.
I am from a broken home,
Yes, that is where I’m from.

She is from a home where her parents fought constantly,
A place where the mother gave into him,
A place where getting beat with the belt was a common punishment,
Tears and screams that nobody could hear.
I am from a broken home,
Yes, that is where I’m from.

She is from a home where drugs were more important than his kids,
A place with seven years off hidden silence,
Guilt and anger built up inside her,
A place where a daughter’s eyes saw her mother get pushed to the ground,
A place with many questions left unsaid,
Tears ran down her puzzled face,
A place that is now broken and split,
I am from a broken home,
Yes, that is where I’m from.

She is from a home that allows isolation as an option,
A place with a daughter left sitting in her room,
A place where no one came to check on her,
Thoughts of no one caring,
A place where she learned to overcome disappointment,
Yet it still finds her,
I am from a broken home,
Yes, that is where I’m from.

She is from a home where she watched her dad toss women out like garbage,
A place with so many women hurt and abandoned,
A place where she felt like those women,
Abandoned by my own father,
I am from a broken home,
Yes, that is where I’m from.

This home created a girl,
A girl so strong and open hearted,
A girl too shy,
A girl too caring,
A girl who would listen to your problems,
Because she has been through it too.
A girl who is now struggling with depression,
A girl who thought it could never happen to her.

I am this girl,
I will continue to fight every day,
To rise above,
And be the best person.
I come from a broken home,
Yes, that is where I’m from.

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