Two Types of Pain | Teen Ink

Two Types of Pain

January 30, 2011
By Kerry O&#39Connor BRONZE, Clarksburg, Maryland
Kerry O&#39Connor BRONZE, Clarksburg, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This type of pain I’m feeling, deep-rooted and hurts the most.
It can’t be healed with a band aid, so to you it won’t look gross,
But if you dare to look deeper, you’d see the internal scar it will leave.
Instead you see the mask I hide behind, not wanting to believe.
You take one look and think you have stole,
The way to my heart, the way to my soul.
So keep looking at the cuts and continue to act like you know,
The reasons why I cut myself, and no it’s not just for show.

The author's comments:
This piece is about cutting and the pain the people who do this go through. I was inspired by a very sad story I had heard. Writing this poem is my small way of reaching out. Some teens may live awful lives but they need to know how much they are worth.

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