Broken | Teen Ink


February 8, 2011
By Anonymous

I promised.
I promised you that I'll always be here for you.
I promised myself as well.
That no matter what,
No matter how much you hurt me,
I'll always stay.
I tried.
I swear to God I tried.
So hard and so many tI'mes.
But there's only so much pain that one girl can take.
I'm really too young to be feeling this hurt.
Even though I'm the one who let go,
I still can't help but feel like you chose her over me.
But you also made me a promise.
You promised you loved me.
Promised to never hurt me.
Now look at me.
I'm broken.
Just like that promise.
I wish you cared like i did.
Guess it's true,
Promises are meant to be broken.
And every night i lie awake,
Thinking maybe you love me like I've always loved you.
But how can you love me like i loved you when,
You can't even look at me straight in my eyes.

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