The Bliss of a Kiss | Teen Ink

The Bliss of a Kiss

January 27, 2011
By haquearsh GOLD, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
haquearsh GOLD, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
16 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Now a soft kiss
Aye, by that kiss
I vow an endless bliss."
-John Keats, Endymion

The beauty of the hollow
wallowing amidst an empty dreamscape
left amiss by forgotten Lovers

A silent memorial to a begotten God
whose birth and dirge
can still be heard
in the hearts of those who wander

Although the moment has found the past
the memory will never pass
that blessed this barren with Bliss

Of a time when four eyes
met with the crossings in the sky
and a couple martyred for their Fates

Bounded in the sinking abyss
that was to succumb to reality
they acquiesced to the omens
but bid to take their place

To transcend the façade of liberties
that lie in the unfulfilled life
in favour of the Feeling
they didn't dare to understand

To embrace the shadows of the Fear
that lurked just beyond the light
so that they need not wait
for Death to claim their wake

So they came together
in eternal promise
and met the lips
from which they keep

And like a snowflake
they rose as white whispers
leaving what lay remain
as they became freckles in the face above

Met in a steadfast kiss
they're who draw all to this lack of land
compelling them to taste too
the awe of an awry star

The author's comments:
Written at 5 a.m. on a gray snowy morning thinking back nostalgically on what once was rather than what is. This was me poetic attempt to transcend those moments above something that could be forgotten or corrupted into simply a symbol.

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