Soccer | Teen Ink


February 3, 2011
By SPALLiNA BRONZE, Rochester, New York
SPALLiNA BRONZE, Rochester, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It takes time, skill and practice.
Waking up before sunrise, and working until sundown.
You need to work your hardest,
to overcome struggles and become great.
Injuries and fatigue are part of the game.
You have to be better than the ones who came before,
and the ones who will follow.
You need dedication and passion,
for the sport, your team, and coaches.
To build the skills and become great,
takes long hours, blood, sweat, and tears.
You will spend hours at a time with,
sweat dripping down your forehead,
wearing a shirt drenched with your own effort.
You will go home in pain,
with aching joints and muscles.
Coaches teach you to never give up,
Not even when you are playing in the elements.
You will learn to play in all conditions,
rain, snow, and blistering heat.
You will encounter brutal practices before your games,
and until you get your first glimpse of victory,
you will see your coach as the devil.
And when you go to bed at night,
with your body screaming not to move,
but you know you will have to do it all again the next day.

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on May. 5 2016 at 11:02 am
I don't like it