2am Two am | Teen Ink

2am Two am

February 14, 2011
By AraceliJasmin GOLD, Cicero, Illinois
AraceliJasmin GOLD, Cicero, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Im still awake nothing to do but try to sleep. But thats when those images creep into my head again just like the night before. Dont know what to do anymore.I am silently screaming no sound is coming out.I wanna shout i wanna b human I want to feel i cant heal my wounds are still fresh.Even thoug its been years still living in fear. Still freaking out about thee same old memories.Please someone help me out i need my brain removed so i can stop the torture from within myself.Vivid flashbacks. Once more my body reacting each night I relive the nightmare again its actually worse when im asleep.In order to sleep i wear myself out by watchin tv so i dont trigger the memories sometimes it works. Other times its just in vain.Im going insane once again I feel another flashback coming no doctor can fix this, far too broken.This tragedy so hard to share its just one of those things you had to be there to witness it yourself .i would not wish this to anybody.

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