lettin go | Teen Ink

lettin go

February 14, 2011
By AraceliJasmin GOLD, Cicero, Illinois
AraceliJasmin GOLD, Cicero, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 4 comments

I miss being a little girl, happy without a care in the world. I would look for ants and keep them in an empty cheese container. It was one of those with the holes on top.I would like to see them climb twigs and grass blades i put into the container.I still think ants area very interesting.I would also catch ladybugs and i would put them in a little wooden box that had ladybugs printed on the lid. At the end, when i was tired of looking for ladybugs or couldnt find any i would release them.I would slowly pull the lid and they would come out flying into the sky. I would grab a couple of them, put them on my hand and see them climb my fingers.At night,I would catch fireflies and i would put them in an empty water bottle.I would gaze upon them with pride showing my friends . But, i also let them go.....
It was never my intention to kill them, I would just admire them. My friends the boys anyway would run them over with their bikes but i would let them go.Now im older and its so hard to let go of so many things. But,especially feelings like anger, loneliness and regret.But one day, ILL also let them go.

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