“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.”-Albert Enstein | Teen Ink

“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.”-Albert Enstein

February 8, 2011
By meganrenee- GOLD, Harbor Beach, Michigan
meganrenee- GOLD, Harbor Beach, Michigan
13 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself;
nothing more,
nothing less.

If I fall will you catch me?
I'm falling so fast; I know I should slow down,
but I'm not quite sure I know how.

If I smile, will you smile?
You make me smile every time we talk.
A big smile comes when I see your name.
If I smile, will you smile?

If I cry, will you hold me?
Hold me tight; I want to feel your comfort.
Your arms wrapped around me.
If I cry, will you hold me?

I love you, do you love me?
If I say, “I love you”, will you relay it back?
If I run, will you run after me?
I love you, do you love me?

-mrb. <3

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