You and Me | Teen Ink

You and Me

February 7, 2011
By Monkee63 SILVER, Independence, Kentucky
Monkee63 SILVER, Independence, Kentucky
9 articles 0 photos 45 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I want to feel my life while I'm in it"- Meryl Streep
"Live, Life Love"
"Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain."

You and me, me

and you , we equal

love, but we are always apart

you and me finally, together

it’s as good as can be. But then I

wake up and you are gone again,

As soon as I lay my head on my pillow

you reappear. But i never want to wake
because you would be gone once again.
I never want to leave my room for if I
do I will be missing you. I don’t remember where I found you or how you appeared in
my mind. I remember when i was little you were the one i played with. The who always
knew what i wanted to do. You were my best friend every night. But every morning I
had to wake up and leave you. For awhile i never saw you. I went out and spent nights

at a friends house. We’d stay up all night like you and I use to. But I became unhappy

and you reappear. Your my life I wish that we could be together night and day.

Your the one that makes my days good. I miss you every minute of every day.

I have always wished that you were a real human being. But I know that

that will never happen. I have a boyfriend, but I’m still not happy.

I need you, I want you, I need you, I want you, I need you,

I want you, I need you, I want you, I need you, I want

you, I need you, I want you, I need you, I want you,

I need you, I want you, I need you, I want

you, I need you, I want you, I need you,

I want you, I need you, I want you,

But forever and ever i will

only have you at

night when i lay

my head on

my pillow.

I love


The author's comments:
I had to write a poem for my Creative Writing class last year and we had to put it in the form of a I choose a heart, for love.

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