Promises | Teen Ink


February 6, 2011
By CAT.ily. BRONZE, Cadillac, Michigan
CAT.ily. BRONZE, Cadillac, Michigan
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Courage is being scared, but still saddling up anyway. (:

I struggle not to tell
A secret hidden so well
Right from the start
Away so deep in the dark
Too far for you to see
Even though it's a huge part of me
Can you guess?
Can you tell?
What's the secret that I hide so well?
Do you see the scars
Or find in my dreams
All the faded nightmares
And haunting memories
Can you see what I know?
Do I indeed reap what I sow?
Do you see way deep in that dark?
That thing that's been there right from the start
A secret that's hidden so well
Do you promise not to tell?

The author's comments:
I hope that people will feel for the person this poem reflects. It's about a person struggling with their sexuality as well as cutting because of it. This person has dealt with hate from the people they're closest with, even though they don't realize that this person is in fact gay. And they're trying to tell their best friend, but they're afraid. They ask if the friend can tell, if they've guessed. But in the end they tell the friend and hope they don't tell others.

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