Goodbye | Teen Ink


January 31, 2011
By HaleyH BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
HaleyH BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I remember the moments we shared
I can’t help but cry
I have so many questions
First, I want to know is why
Why didn’t anyone tell me?
I know I wouldn’t have taken it well,
But how could you sit there and not tell?
I would have made our last day together a whole lot different.
And my goodbye would have said more than just goodbye.
How did you not shed one tear?
You knew it was your last day
Your just happily stared as everyone told you that they would be okay.
Why did god take you away from me?
You’re going to miss so much
Like my graduation day, you wont get to tell me congratulations and give me a big hug.
The day I finally walk down the aisle, I will be looking at an empty chair, only to wish that you were there.
The birthday of my children, you would have been so proud.
I know you will be looking down from a big white cloud
But for now i try to smile
Although, I know we won’t meet again for a while,

The author's comments:
My grandpa dying

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