That Which Is Unknown | Teen Ink

That Which Is Unknown

January 24, 2011
By RadKid16 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
RadKid16 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is just a dream on the way to death."-Sarah, The Crow: City Of Angels

Grasping while falling, Grasping whilst falling
Extending each limb to aquire that which is unknown
To hold and decipher, to dissect and remake
Calculating each move of another presence
All that is there is not what is
Deceivance is thy friend, honesty is thy foe
Gasping whilst choking, choking whilst falling
Reflections in the many irises only speaks of the blasphemy
The eternal descendance into more uncertainty from within
Passing judgement on that which you do not understand
Falling whilst gasping, grasping whilst falling
What you seek is not what you will require
Ignorance is thy conscience
Habitual tendencies to shelter oneself from the vulgarness of it all
Veils of concealment from that which is nameless
Condolences for those whose eyes are filled with murkiness
Plunging into the abysmal of secrecy
To join all others beforehand
Whom sought to terminate the inadequate
Thus consigning those persistent to their own discriminatory opinions

The author's comments:
The intolerance for people who seek acceptance by bending others to their own will.

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This article has 1 comment.

a7xfoREVer said...
on Mar. 14 2011 at 2:08 pm
Ah! It's beautiful!!!!! ♥♥♥