To Lose Something | Teen Ink

To Lose Something

January 28, 2011
By KayteeBug SILVER, Dryridge, Kentucky
KayteeBug SILVER, Dryridge, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some people have the luxury

Of replacing things they lose.

Others simply don’t’ care.

But to lose something – no matter how simple-

Is to lose a whole world of things.

A lost doll – potential calming friend to a future child.

A lost book – chapters upon chapters of forgotten information.

A lost poem is a lost piece of history.

A thought, brought to the world briefly,

Only to be thrown away.

That though will never truly be brough back

No in its fullness.

Its words may be floating somewhere,

Like driftwood in a stream of conciousness.

Or cleverly hidden in a dream

But we’re too distracted to notice.

Every emotion poured into it, every smile every tear

Has evaporated somewhere.

The complexity of said thought,

Will no longer be able to duplicate.

Someone else may think up the same idea.

But the meaning behind it can never compare –

To the original.

To lose something,

Is to lose a whole world of things.


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